The AJ Novick Group, Inc. has been providing high quality programs in mental health
since 2003. Our website and training was designed for individuals
who would like to get certified and trained to teach their own parenting or co-parenting
classes either in a group format or individually. The certification training was
designed by Ari Novick, Ph.D. and the program utilizes the highly acclaimed curriculum,
Parenting in the Twenty-First Century, 10 Tools for Better Parenting, written
by Ari Novick, Ph.D. and Martine Wehr, J.D. Dr. Novick is a licensed Marriage and
Family Therapist and has been providing approved parent education and anger management
classes for many years. In addition to our parent certification, Dr. Novick is
also the co-founder of Century Anger Management, one of the leading anger management
training organizations in the nation. He has been featured on USA Today, Fox TV,
CNN, ESPN and various other outlets. He is sought after for his expertise in behavioral
issues and curriculum.
You do not need to hold a license to get trained, you simply need to have a high
school or greater education, work in the field or a related field, and complete
the 40 hour training provided by our company. We want you to succeed! In order
to do so, it is imperative that each student use their own client workbook. This
ensures that you are teaching a class and your work can never be confused as "group
therapy". Workbooks can be purchased at a discount on our website by providers
and resold to students. Most providers will make an additional profit from reselling
the workbooks and it provides a clean and structured approach to teaching the parenting
classes. Reproduction of our client workbook books is prohibited and a violation
of federal copyright law.

Basic Course Outline: Parenting in the Twenty-first Century, 10 Tools for Better
Tool 1: Parenting Basics – Things you should know
Tool 2: Understanding Your Child – Children’s development
Tool 3: Parenting Styles and Loving Your Children – The impact
they play on
Tool 4: Role Modeling – Understanding the parent role
Tool 5: Empathy – Emotions and our life
Tool 6: Communication – Harmful communication patterns
Tool 7: Discipline – Your discipline approach and philosophy
Tool 8: Stress Management – Understand the effects and impacts
of parent/child
Tool 9: Children and Divorce – Rules for divorcing parents
Tool 10: Co-Parenting, Step Parenting and Single Parenting –
Strategies for
Click here for a detailed
Continuing Education Approvals
The AJ Novick Group, Inc. or our sister company has the following Continuing Education
- Better Business Bureau verified and approved with A+ rating
- Approved for CEUs by NAADAC The National Association for Addiction Professionals,
Provider #570
- Approved for CEUs by CFAAP California Foundation for Advancement of Addiction Professionals,
Certificate number IN-06-745-0112
- Approved as Continuing Education Provider by The Board for Certification of Addiction
Specialists: Provider Number 5063
- Approved by Texas Certification Board of Addiction Professionals as Provider of
Continuing Education for Certification and Recertification for Alcoholism and Drug
Abuse Counselors in the State of Texas: Provider Number: 1739-06
Guarantee and Disclaimer
This parent certification training is for educational purposes only. Parenting and
Co-parenting classes should only be represented as educational classes. This training
is not a substitute for medical or psychological training. You may not represent
your self as a therapist or counselor by taking our certification training. Once
the 40 hours is completed you will be issued a certificate of completion as a "Certified
Parent Instructor".