Want to Teach Parenting Classes in Florida?
Our Parent Instructor certification training provides the curriculum that meets and exceeds the Florida Statute 61.21, Parent Education and Stabilization program. If your are interested in teaching these classes in FL, getting certified is the first step to establishing credibility as a parenting professional. Our 40 hour training can be completed online and through our home study program.
Excellent Model and Curriculum
Our curriculum, titled "Parenting in the Twenty-First Century, 10 Tools for Better Parenting", will provide you with the foundation for teaching classes. Each tool is used as a lesson and participants of your classes will gain valuable information to further improve their parenting or co-parenting roles.
We Help You With Your Business Too!
Our certification training will also explain how to market your parenting program, both in the state of FL or any location. Whether you want to work with the courts, social services, probation, or for personal growth, our program will be a fit. Our training comes with a "companion guide" for parenting professionals which explains in detail how to do everything from outreach, to printing business cards. Teaching parenting classes is highly rewarding. Get certified as a parent instructor today!